Single tooth deficiencies are treated as a bridge by reducing the neighboring teeth on both sides of the cavity with the classical method. In implant applications, a root-shaped implant can be placed in the area where teeth are missing, and the deficiency can be eliminated with a fixed crown restoration without touching the neighboring teeth.

Patients who have lost more than one or all teeth are treated with partial or full dentures that are worn and removed by traditional methods. Movable prostheses, especially in patients who have lost all their teeth in the lower jaw, usually play in the mouth if there is bone resorption. This situation can leave patients in difficult situations in many environments and cause dissatisfaction. With implant applications, these playing prostheses can be stabilized and even patient satisfaction can be maximized with fixed bridge prostheses in a suitable mouth.

Implant application can be done to almost everyone in today's conditions after evaluation of general health and bone amount. If the amount of bone is not enough, bone graft materials are reinforced and the bone volume is increased and then the implant can be applied.

Implant procedures are also performed with sedation and general anesthesia in patients who are afraid and in risk group. In our clinic, the most implant is applied in patients who are afraid of them, have to use blood thinners, have diabetes and have limited time, without making an incision and suturing in a short time.