Myth: Varicose veins aren’t dangerous, they’re just a cosmetic issue.

Varicose veins can be more than just unsightly. They can cause pain, swelling, restless leg syndrome and tired, aching legs – symptoms that can directly affect daily activities and quality of life. Untreated varicose veins can be dangerous because the blood that is pooling in these veins can clot. When varicose veins clot, the condition is called superficial phlebitis and it is usually very painful, but not necessarily dangerous. However, according to a recent study, the condition can progress into a deep vein clot known as deep vein thrombosis. DVT is dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Varicose veins can also be the first stage of a more serious disease called chronic venous disease, often characterized by a brawny skin discoloration, typically of the calf and ankle. The blood pooling in the varicose veins can leak into the tissue of the lower leg and ankle, resulting in darkening and hardening of the skin and potentially causing ulcers of the skin that are difficult to heal.

Myth: Varicose vein treatment is painful.

The advanced varicose vein treatments available can be done with local anesthesia in an office setting, usually in under an hour and with only mild discomfort. Performed under ultrasound guidance, laser or radiofrequency saphenous ablation treatments cause the abnormal saphenous vein to close, allowing the body to automatically re-route the blood to other healthy veins. Unlike surgical interventions such as vein stripping, vein ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that does not involve general anesthesia or even stitches.
Please contact us for more information and let us to make an arrangement with our expert vein surgeon!